New firmware v1.03a is released!

Dear ZX-VGA-JOY users,

You can download new firmware version v1.03a on the download section and upgrade your devices!
The new version v1.03a contains only bug fix related to boot procedure discovered in v1.03.
v1.03 does not exist anymore on the download section.

Best wishes

New firmware v1.03 is released !

Dear ZX-VGA-JOY users,

You can download new firmware version v1.03 on the download section and upgrade your devices!
The new version brings new features: 50Hz screen mode, interlace option, and low power mode
Also, there are few corrections of existing functionality, please read release notes.
The upgrade process is very simple (after installation of the PC tool it last about 30s), you can watch video tutorial how to install upgrade PC tool and make the upgrade.

If you have any difficulties, you can contact me on

Best wishes

New firmware very soon!

Although I was busy very much with my ordinary work, I catch some time for retro fun!
I finished the most important things so new version v1.03 is in the testing phase.
I have to test lots of games and demos on a few different computers and make some measurements to make sure that new features and corrections are working properly.
Besides general code optimization, you will get interlaced mode option, VGA 640×480 @50Hz screen mode, partial decoding of page register (with full decoding some demos are not working properly),
lower power consumption and several less noticeable corrections…

Regards Goran